Posted by on 20 Mar 2013 in Personal |

Photo Source: Instagram by Ben Gatrelle

Photo Source: Instagram by Ben Gatrelle

All winter long I complain about the cold, and all summer long I’ll complain about the heat. But I always look forward to spring. Driving in to work today the weatherman said it’s officially the first day of spring. But then he said the temperature was 34 degrees. The first day of spring? I’ll believe it when I see it.

So today I’m thinking about contentment, about how I never seem to be satisfied. I’m always looking for what’s coming up or what it’s been like in the past instead of focusing on where I am today. And I’m thinking about our circumstances and what we choose to believe.

Spring is a time of life and hope, but April 15th is just around the corner, and I haven’t even started on my tax return yet. There are bills to pay, and the to-do list isn’t getting any shorter by staring at it. I still grabbed my jacket as I left the house this morning, hoping this week is the last week I’ll need it.

Spring is the time we we start going for walks around the neighborhood, or on the trails at the local park, or getting out and doing some yard sale bargaining on an early Saturday morning. It might feel like winter is still hanging on, but technically spring is here.

The trees are starting to flower, daffodils are coming up, I’m starting to see some yellow forsythia along the side of the roads, and it’s supposed to be in the mid-50’s by this afternoon. By faith we believe even when we don’t see. Though the calendar says spring and the temperature still feels like winter, the signs are out there if we will only look and see.

So, hello, Spring. I see you there. I think I’ll take a walk around the park today (but I’m still bringing my jacket).